Born: 21 June 1951
Gender: Man
Country: Mauritius
Crossing Year: 2018
Time: 05 h 17 min 00 sec
Neoprene swimsuit: NO
I’m a Mauritian presently living in South Africa and sport is my passion.
As a younger person I enjoyed marathon running and completed four 90 km Ultra Marathons. I started swimming again in the year 2000 and in 2014 I was the first to swim from the island of Coin de Mire to Merville beach in Mauritius. I also completed the 20 km Rottnest Channel Solo swim in 2016, in 2017 I was the first to do a 12 km solo Coastal Swim on the South African Dolphin Coast. In 2018 I was the first to do a 8 km swim in the crocodile and hippo infested Jozini lake in Zululand in South Africa to raise money for Children’s Cancer.
I enjoy meeting new people and I have thoroughly enjoyed the hopitality from the people of Sardinia.
(José De Charmoy, nick Crocodile, September 2018)