Carro Guido, Strait of Bonifacio swimmer

Born: 25 December 1979
Gender: Man
Country: Italy
Crossing Year: 2017
Time: 4 h 12 min 00 sec
Neoprene swimsuit: YES

I am a swimming instructor, I train for passion to keep fit and to relax mentally. For about ten years I have approached open waters, initially experienced as a pure challenge, subsequently experienced as a meeting of personal challenge and ecstasy of the wonder that surrounds me.

I have always seen the Crossing of the Bocche di Bonifacio as a challenge with incredible charm: the beauty of the sea and of the territory but in particular the danger that lies between its currents. Just this danger prompted me to try to make the crossing.

I will always keep a splendid memory of that swim that I enjoyed every stroke, from the first to the last. I wish good luck to all those who will try this stretch of sea in the future.

(Guido Carro, September 2017)