Bacardit Aleix, Strait of Bonifacio Swimmer

Born:  27 September 1976
Gender: Man
Country: Spain
Crossing Year: 2019
Time: Out Of Ranking (06 h 07 min 21 sec)
Neoprene swimsuit: YES

I have been swimming for 15 years, I love the water and its sound in my ears when I swim. I find it relaxing and it gives me peace of mind.
I like swimming in open water because I can swim without stopping or changing direction repeatedly, as it happens in the pool. When I swim in open water I focus on swimming, I relax I disconnect from the outside world. I always say that “swimming is my yoga”.

I swim most of the time along the Catalan coast, from Barcelona to France over different distances, ranging from 5 to 15 kilometers.
My most memorable swim was the Strait of Gibraltar crossing in 2018, where I had the pleasure of being in the company of dolphins and I had the privilege of supporting a 15m long whale for a few minutes. Indelible experience!

(Aleix Bacardit, September 2019)