Santer Thomas, Strait of Bonifacio swimmer

Born: 10 March 2000
Gender: Man
Country: Italy
Crossing Year: 2019
Time: 06 h 03 min 57 sec
Neoprene swimsuit: NO

I live in South Tyrol. I started swimming for the Sport Club Meran. I mainly train for tub competitions over distances of 400 meters.

In 2017 I participated for the first time in an open water race over the distance of 3 km, it was in Austria. After that experience, my passion for this specialty and the desire for a new challenge began.

The crossing of the Bocche di Bonifacio is the choice taken together with my training friends (Thomas Ladurner and Christoph Gamper, e.n.). Adventure joins the passion for swimming that binds us.

Doing it together is the main reason where we go beyond just the result.

(Thomas Santer, September 2019)